Knowledge Management (KM) Research in Academic Institutions of India: A Review
Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Nirmali Chakraborty, Manoj Kumar Verma |
Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof., Dept. of Library & Information Science, Assam Women’s Univ., Jorhat, Assam, India.
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The study aims to find out the status of Knowledge Management (KM) research in academic institutions of India through reviewing the Ph.D. theses on KM. The primary data was collected by survey and observation method from Sodhganag repository of Theses and Dissertations of INFLIBNET. The study found knowledge management research in academic sector of India has started since 2009 onward and it is increasing with the passes of time. Only a few institutions/universities all over India are contributing in KM research till now and universities are in leading position in KM research at present. The management and library science are the leading departments to conduct research in KM areas in the country. Majority of study among them have used survey method as their research methodology and output of these researches, 30% were proposed KM model and 75% did testing of hypothesis of their research findings.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Research, Academic Sector-India, Knowledge Management in Library
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