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M. Phil. Programmes in Library and Information Science: A Status Report and Proposal for Specialised Programmes

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management

Volume 1 Issue 1

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Sandip Majumdar, V. K. J. Jeevan | Author(s) Affiliation: Library & Documentation Division,Indira Gandhi National Open University,Maidan Garhi,New Delhi,India
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The paper surveys M. Phil., programmes in library and information science offered by different universities of India along with the curriculum followed by some of them. The paper stresses the need for revamped M. Phil. curriculum on the lines of similar programmes offered in few other disciplines in the country. It voices concern for specialized M.Phil. programmes and presents an outline for the same. The curriculum development exercises in the country largely still concentrate on BLIS and MLIS leaving very few sources regarding M. Phil., which a researcher can bank on. The data pertaining to the study was collected from various sites on the Internet, though relied to a large extent on the official website of the institution concerned when it is available. The study also attempted to compare the curriculum adopted by these universities. Based on this, the study suggests specialized programmes to undertake an effective M. Phil. programme which shall prepare LIS professionals abreast of the recent developments in frontier areas. Ph.D. degree is out of bounds for many professionals due to the large number of aspirants, limited number of guides, lack of on the job options for undertaking the course, longer time involved coupled with unpredictability of progress and completion. Hence, the authors from their experience and knowledge recommends that, M.Phil. programmes need a makeover in a developing country like ours to train library and information professionals in research and data analysis skills in less time which may turn out to be future investments for their career with advanced theoretical as well as practical state of the art in a professional field of current active interest. Moreover, the authors suggest that, there. there may also be options for evening programmes, part time programmes and distance learning programmes to target the vast number of working professionals. This is better done than said by more studies in this much neglected area of library science education in the country for its revamped adaptation by our universities with strong interest and active departments in library science.

Keywords: Library Science Education, M.Phil. Programme, Curriculum Design, Specialised Course

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