Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025




Scientometric Assessment of Global RFID Literature During 2005-14

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management

Volume 4 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Neeraj Kumar Singh, Ritu Gupta, B. M. Gupta | Author(s) Affiliation: Panjab University, AC Joshi Library, Chandigarh, India
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The present study examines the global publications output (23957) on RFID published during 2005-14, using a series of quantitative and qualitative indicators. The global output on RFID registered annual average growth rate of 9.82% and registered a citation impact per paper of 3.5 in 10 years. The global RFID research comes from several countries, of which the top 15 most productive accounts for 83.37% share of the global output. The largest share of output (19.91% and 15.49%) came from China and USA, followed by Germany, Japan, Italy, U.K. and France, etc. The highest citation share (36% and 9.31%) came from USA and China followed by South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, Germany, UK, etc. Hong Kong registered highest share (64.73%) of international collaborative papers among the top 15 countries on RFID during 2005-14. Engineering contributed the largest share (55.54%) during 2005-14 among subjects, followed by Computer Science (20.54%), Mathematics (8.7%), etc. The top 15 most productive organizations and authors contributed 9.61% and 4.75% world publication share and 15.9% and 8.52% world citation share on RFID during 2005-14. The RFID applications into Supply Chain Management constituted the largest (9.87%) share in applications, followed by Internet of Things (6.05%), Health care (5.96%), Warehouse Management (2.31) and Libraries (1.36%) during 2005-14. The most frequently main keywords on RFID were Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) (3331 papers), followed by RFID Tags (3122), RFID Technology (2588), RFID Systems (2019), etc. during 2005-14. Conference proceedings contributed the largest share of publication (50.13%) followed by journals (31.67%), book series (11.27%), trade publications (0.70%) and books (2.03%), etc. on RFID during 2005-14. The top 20 journals contributed 4.69% share to its total journal output during 2005-14. Conclude that there is a urgent need to increase output and quality of research by various countries in this area, as the application of R&D has wide implications for future automation and communication scenario in the world.

Keywords: Scientometric Analysis, Bibliometric Study, RFID Literature, Global RFID Research

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