Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024




Use of CeRA Consortium E-Resources by Faculty Members and Research Scholars of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana: A Study

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Amritpal Kaur, Jagjit Singh | Author(s) Affiliation:
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The article examines use of CeRA consortium e-resources by faculty members and research scholars of Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. A well designed questionnaire was used to extract the views of the respondents. A meticulous review of literature was carried out to examine the findings of previous pertinent studies. The results of the study yield precise information about the awareness of e-resources, usage of CeRA, mode of accessibility, fields preferred to access e- resources, purpose for accessing e-resources, area of users interest (CeRA e-journals), preference of publisher to access e-journals, usage of DDR service, number of articles received via DDR service, adequacy of information available through CeRA, Information need satisfaction with e-resources (CeRA), problems faced while accessing e-resources, effect of e-resources, benefits of e-resources over conventional resources.

Keywords: CeRA, E-resources, E-journals, User Survey, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana

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