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Use of Integrated Library Software in the Engineering College Libraries of Lucknow: A Survey

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management

Volume 2 Issue 1

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Anjali Verma, R. K. Choudhary, Mamta Rani | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of Library & Information Sc., Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Univ., Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
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In Recent years integrated library software has been most popular for the housekeeping operations of a library. Library automation system is elaborately designed and crafted with computer applications using integrated library software. This paper attempts to find out the use of integrated library software in the engineering college libraries of Lucknow. Questionnaire and observation method was used to collect data from the engineering college libraries of Lucknow. Out of a total of 28 questionnaires, 27 were distributed to among the private college libraries librarians and one questionnaire was distributed to the government engineering college librarian. Out of a total of 28 questionnaires, 24 questionnaire constituting a response rate of 85.71 were received back. One out of one was received from the librarian of government engineering college library and 23 out of 27 were received from the librarians of private engineering college libraries. To accomplish the present survey objectives, the questionnaire included areas such as detail of total library collection, status of library automation, factors influencing for the selection of library software, selection by a person of library software, reasons for not automating the library, details of library software used for library automation and status of functioning modules. The result of the survey shows heavy use of integrated library software in their respective libraries. On the basis of the result of the survey, some suggestions have been forwarded for integrated library software.

Keywords: Integrated Library Software, Engineering College, Library Automation, Functional Modules

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