Thursday, 05 Dec, 2024




A Study of Anthropomorphic Characters in Indian Mythological Animated Feature Films Released During 2010

IMS Manthan (The Journal of Mgt., Comp. Science & Journalism)

Volume 7 Issue 2

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Atul Sinha | Author(s) Affiliation:
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This paper investigates anthropomorphism in animation: its use, and various aspects of this phenomenon that makes it an integral part of animation since the very beginning of this art form. Human physiology of anthropomorphizing objects and shapes is an innate urge, as humans found themselves at the centre of things. Looking for a human 1 face in the moon and creating shapes from clouds are some of the basic examples of portraying this phenomenon. This t endency to s e e the wor ld a s our s e lve s i s “anthropomorphism”. This paper will further take a closer look on its types, forms, and evaluate the reasons behind the necessity of its inclusion as an inherent part of Animation. Mostly Indian mythological gods, goddess and monsters are zoomorphosized (Attribution of animal characteristics on humans), but in this paper we will be concentrating on the anthropomorphized characters in mythological theme based animated features released during year 2010. Following are the list of animated features based on Indian mythologies released during 2010 chosen for this study: 1. My Friend Ganesha 3 (Released on 26th March 2010). 2. Lava Kusa (Released on 8th October 2010). 3. Ramayana the Epic (Released on 15th October 2010).

Keywords: Anthropomorphism, Anthropomorphic, Animism, Cognitive, Animation

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