Agency-Structure Theory
Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: Jashwini Narayan
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This article is a small part of the author’s PhD study. While
in-depth interviews were conducted, these are not utilized
in this paper given the memorandum of agreement signed
with the HR Manager of the case study of a government
commercial company, namely Post Fiji Limited. Respecting
this, this paper is based only on various relevant publicly
available archival data of annual reports, business
magazines, newspaper articles and staff newsletters. These
past data relates much to the episode under investigation
which is during the period the first CEO (at that time the
title was Managing Director-MD) held office at the subject
case study and thereafter. Not only is this entity one of the
best performing government commercial companies in Fiji,
it is also one of the very few profitable government owned
postal operations worldwide. The paper details and
analyses the top-management and certain Board member
actions, revealed corrupt by an audit. Post the departure of
the said MD from the entity, he was alleged to have
accepted payments not entitled to. A few other executives
were exposed as those engaged in corrupt practices as well.
The paper used the theoretical debate between Agency and
Structure to give an empirical backing on which of the two
holds in a real life institutional setting. The paper concludes
that even when all looks well in a good performing
government entity from afar, there are gaps for supposed
corruption at the highest levels. Nonetheless, hats off to
those who conduct the audit and do a good job of revealing
all who engage in suspected corrupt practices which may
remain undetected in successful entities if otherwise. In
terms of Agency versus Structure theoretical arguments,
this paper agrees with Cockerham (2005) who elaborates
that while agency can allow individuals to reject or modify
their lifestyle patterns and to carry out self benefiting
activities, structure can cut back and restrict the behaviour
options that are available to individuals (Cockerham,
Keywords: Fiji, public enterprise, Post Fiji Limited,
corruption, government commercial company, Agency
versus Structure Theory
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