Animated Television Commercials: Impact and Future
Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Tanu Bhargava
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This research is based upon the animated commercials
which are done Fast Moving Consumer Goods’ (FMCG)
sector targeted towards children and young adults at large.
The goal of this study is to assess the current scenario of
animated advertisements on TV and evaluate its impact on
the young consumers. It main focus is to analyze how
animation art displays the function and effectiveness in the
advertisement communication. This has been done
through primary data by collecting a sample of 50 people
from Delhi and NCR. Also, secondary data is taken by
examining the research papers, articles, websites,
periodicals based upon animated television commercials.
The research aims at assessing the animated advertisement
in molding purchasing decision of consumers and its
future growth with the hope to be useful as a reference for
specific application in the animated industry.
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