Digital Video Broadcasting via Satellite (DVB-S)
Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: M V Raghavendra, K.A. Lathief, Vuda Sreenivasarao |
Author(s) Affiliation: Ethiopia
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This paper provides a brief introduction to the DVB-S
system based on [EN-300-421]. The DVB-S system provides
direct-to-home (DTH) services for consumer integrated
receiver decoders (IRD), as well as collective antenna
systems (satellite master antenna television SMATV) and
cable television head-end stations. The overview covers the
physical layer that comprises adaptation, framing, coding,
interleaving and modulation, and discusses error
performance requirements to achieve quality of service
(QoS) targets.
Keywords: Direct-to-homes, Satellite master antenna television, Quality of service, IRD, Head-end stations
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