Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025




Need and Significance of a Content Code for Media: A study Focused on Social Media

IMS Manthan (The Journal of Mgt., Comp. Science & Journalism)

Volume 7 Issue 2

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Pankaj, Kunjan Acharya | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Media simply means various channels of communication. Communication channels are used to disseminate the news, entertainment, education, data and promotional messages. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio and social media etc. The main focus of this paper is on the need and significance of a content code for social media. Social media is a type of online media for social interaction where people participate in talks, share their views, network and bookmark. Social media is a form of electronic communication (as websites, social networking sites and micro blogging) to which users create online communities to share information, ideas, thoughts, personal messages and other content such as text, audio, videos, images and podcasts. Social media also includes the various online technological tools that enable people to share information and to communicate easily via internet. In the present scenario social media plays a key role in communication field. Social media in any democratic system or setup reflects the hopes and aspirations of the young generation. It provides a new power to the freedom of speech and expression of views to the common people all over the world. Social media allows their users to share their ideas, opinions, thoughts and information through their various facilities and it becomes a main tool of communication so, we need a content code for social media. Because all mainstream media like newspaper, radio and television have their own content code but at the same time this new social media does not have any of its own content code for their users. It gives the liberty to their users to share any textual or audio-visual materials, which may be violent and against of human right, constitution, laws, parliament and vulgar images, messages, text or offensive to public good taste. In this paper attempt has been made to discuss content code for social media like mainstream media. Through this study researchers also wants to find out whether social media have any of its own content code or not for their users. Content code are necessary for fair and unbiased social media. This research study is a textual research. It is based on primary and Need and Significance of a Content Code for Media: A study Focused on Social Media Pankaj* Dr. Kunjan Acharya** secondary data. New social media’s increasing popularly now a days and its attractive and effective mode of communications has resulted it being used by young generation easily and frequently to express and share their ideas, thoughts, and opinions worldwide. Hence we need a powerful and effective content code for new social media, so that, the negative and unwanted effects of these social media on society can be avoided and synchronized.

Keywords: Social media, Micro blogging, Social networking sites

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