New Implementation of IP Traceback
Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: Raghavendra.V, Arokiaraj Jovith.A, Godwin Ponsam.J
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Distributed denial of service attacks currently represents a
serious threat to the appropriate operation of Internet
services. To overcome this threat we are proposing an
overlay network with the help of ip tracebacking of
autonomous systems. Our proposed system will not
require a prior knowledge of the network for that
incrementally deploying the system to different
autonomous systems. In previous paper their contribution
for two techniques those are new extension for the BGP
update message and sequence marking process for the
packets but in our proposed for the update message
community attribute is used and marking process with the
help of hashmapping. The false positives are reduced. In
previous work only detection but in our proposed blocking
and also if attacker is perform spoofing also blocking the
system after tracebacking. We also tested with the help of
java programming in incremental basis installing in the
systems and tracing the system that is performing the
attack. The main conclusion is that the proposed system is
suitable for large-scale networks such as the Internet
because it provides efficient traceback and allows
incremental deployment.
Keywords: Ddos, BGP, Internet Services
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