Research Paper: Advanced Database Technologies- A Future of High Performance Database Processing
Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: Prof. Ravish Kumar Mishra
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The need for recording time varying information databases
has been recognized for quite some time. There have been
significant research activities in formulating semantics of
time at the conceptual level, developing a model for time
varying databases analogous to the relational model for
static databases and the design of temporal query
languages. It has been argued that a single time attribute is
insufficient, and that two time attributes are necessary to
fully capture time-varying information. Unfortunately,
there has been some confusion concerning terminology
and the definition of these time attributes.
In this world, a single program performing global query
optimization using a cost-based optimizer will not work
well. Cost-based optimization does not respond well to site
specific type extension, access constraints, charging
algorithms, and time-of-day constraints. Since traditional
distributed DBMSs have all used cost-based optimizers,
they are not appropriate in a WAN environment, and a new
architecture is required.
Traditional distributed relational database systems that
offer location-transparent query languages, such as
Distributed INGRES and SDD-1all make a collection of
underlying assumptions.
Traditional distributed DBMSs do not meet these
requirements. Use of an authoritarian, centralized query
optimizer does not scale well; the high cost of moving an
object between sites restricts data mobility, schema
changes typically require global synchronization, and
centralized management designs inhibit local autonomy
and flexible policy configuration.
UML has intentionally been developed as a langue for
modeling object-oriented systems. Its use has however
widely been spread out. This standardization makes it
possible that different vendors produce products that
comply with the standard specification.
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