Friday, 10 Jan, 2025




Social Media and Shifting Waves of Democratization

IMS Manthan (The Journal of Mgt., Comp. Science & Journalism)

Volume 8 Issue 1

Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Charulata Singh | Author(s) Affiliation: HOD, VSJMC, Vivevekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi, India.
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Politics, media and democracy are intertwined for better or worse. Politics, politicians and the media go cynical about the notions of democracy, where democracy means doing things for others, where freedom of expression and association are guaranteed. What most people understand from democracy is probably, “rule of the people, rule of the peoples’ representatives, rule of peoples’ party, the well being of people, majority rule, dictatorship of the proletariat, maximum political participation, elite competition for peoples’ vote, multi-partyism, political and social pluralism, equal citizenship rights, civil and political liberties, a free or open society, a free market economy, whatever we do..”(Beetham, David, 2006). Democracy entails different meanings at different points of time in different contexts as per our own concerns. Democracy is a symbol that stands for a series of institutions, procedures and behaviour on the part of ordinary citizens. Democracy is whatever we chose it to mean. There has been no time in history when democracy has not been on crossroads. The three shifting waves in democracy have been experienced and probably the fourth one is brought by the new wave of new media. The success of democracy can be derived only when people demand democracy, as the power lies with the people. Despite the crises, it is the most acceptable form of government. It is a model where each voice is considered to be heard. It is the tool of legitimacy in the hands of the ones who attain power. Everyone claims to be democratic. It is indeed a great concept that has engulfed humanity at different periods in history and is still continuing to engulf the human race even after thousands of years of its birth in Athens.

Keywords: Politics, Social Media, Democracy, Participation, Civil Society, Revolution, Shift/change

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