Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Analysis of Different Single-Stage Amplifiers

Mody University International Journal of Computing and Engineering Research

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Harshita Saini, Shruti Suman | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of ECE, College of Engg. & Tech., Mody Univ. of Scie. and Tech., Rajasthan, India
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An amplifier is an electronic device that amplifies the weak signal or increases the strength of a weak signal. It can either be a separate piece of equipment or an electrical circuit contained within another device. Today, every device or circuit, be it analog or digital requires signal amplification at one level or the other during their functioning. Considering the most basic amplifiers i.e. single-stage amplifiers which are the basic building block of all the amplifiers, be it a multi-stage amplifier or a differential amplifier. All the three single-stage amplifier topologies i.e., common source (CS), common gate (CG), common drain (CD) have been analyzed.

Keywords: Amplifiers, single-stage amplifiers, common source, common gate, common drain.

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