Sunday, 20 Oct, 2024




Performance Evaluation of Indoor Propagation Models

Mody University International Journal of Computing and Engineering Research

Volume 1 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Raunak Monir | Author(s) Affiliation: College of Engineering and Technology, Mody Univer. of Scie. & Tech., Rajasthan, India.
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In wireless domain, due to attenuation during indoor propagation, performance evaluation of a radio signal is demanded for the design and maintenance of indoor wireless services. As outdoor models are not accurate for indoor scenarios hence models such as ITU Model, Ericsson Multiple Breakdown Model, Partition Model and Attenuation Factor Models can be used to derive satisfying results.

Keywords: Path loss, ITU model, Ericsson multiple breakdown model, indoor propagation,wireless communication

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