Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Smart Bag Anti-Theft System

Mody University International Journal of Computing and Engineering Research

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Sunita Kumari, Twinkle Garg, Sarvleen Kaur and P. K. Bishnoi | Author(s) Affiliation: Student, Dept. of Comp. Scie. & Engg., Mody Univ. of Science and Tech., Rajasthan, India.
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In a world where technologies are growing day by day and scientist discovers new researches in different field, the need of security is also increasing in all areas. In our daily life, we use some precious gadgets, money, vehicles etc. so it’s important to protect these devices against theft. The main objective of proposed system is to protect the devices used in our daily basis from an unauthorized person. The proposed system describes a new method for providing security named as Smart Bag System, which is an application based on the Internet of Things (IOT). The proposed system will be in-built in the bag so that it can be easily carried with the user. Whenever there is any theft activity, the user can track the location by logging in. The proposed system is based on GPS-GSM technology. Based on these two technologies, the user can get the information about the location of the gadget and rapid recovery can be made. The location is provided to the user through the website launched by the author, whenever there is any unauthorized access to the website for changing the location or anything else.

Keywords: Anti-theft system, Global Positioning System (GPS), Global System for Mobile (GSM), Internet of Things (IOT).

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