Sunday, 22 Dec, 2024




Factors affecting the selection of a product (focus on rural consumers of uttarakhand)

Management Prudence Journal

Volume 2 Issue 1

Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: Dr. Manoj Bisht, Dr. Kailash Saklani, Dr. Swati Anand
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The rural India offers a tremendous market potential. Rural markets are the new markets, which are opening up for both durable and non-durable products. Companies that have expanded in these areas found that, they are able toward off competition, generate a new demand and in turn, increase their sales or profits. Long-term perspective of marketing planning with modern approach is essential for their future growth. The Indian rural market is a goldmine, which needs to be explored. Rural consumers behaviour needs to be understood and products specially designed to suit the rural lifestyle. The academia and the industry have to come together and explore the opportunities that lie within the hinterland. Therefore, keeping in view of above scenario, present study is an attempt to find out affecting factors of product selection for consumer durables in rural areas of Uttarakhand. Keywords: Products Selection, Affecting Factors, Rural Consumers

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