Results Only Work Environment (ROWE): A New Paradigm
Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Mahesh Kumar Soma |
Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, IBS Hyderabad, IFHE
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The objective of any business or organization is to
get desired resultsby the creation of a perfect
ecosystem to energize and encouragepeople to work
at high motivational levels. The ability of anindividual
to be effective also depends on the work environment
ofthe organization. Being effective is to produce
spectacular resultsthat help in promoting one’s career
growth and advancement.Organization has to create
a work culture or work ethos that sets ina process
where RESULTS only matter at the end of the day.
ROWE(Results Only Work Environment) is a new
paradigm in HR. It isgrowing into a game- changing
concept in Human Resource ManagementStrategy
wherein an organization compensates its employees
for theirResults (output) only, irrespective of the time
spent in executingtheir duty or responsibility. Many
corporates are planning to embracethe unique HR
strategy of ROWE which hasinfact revolutionized
the workplace and work culture in someorganizations
in America many other countries.
Keywords: N.A.
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