The Calendar Anomalies in Indian Stock Market : A Special Reference to NSE
Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: E.Visalatchi, M. Indumathi |
Author(s) Affiliation: Hindustan College of arts and science Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
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Normally the Stock Market gives negative
returns on Mondays. At the same time, there are
positive returns on Fridays as well as in January. The
stock return tends to produce abnormal returns during
particular months of the year as compared to other
months. This effect is commonly called the January
Effect. The returns and investment are low on
Mondays. According to the Monday Effect, Market
shows lower returns on Monday as compared to
other days of the week. Since this is the most
commonly observed effect under the Day-of-the-
Week anomaly it is also synonymously called the
Monday Effect or the Weekend Effect. A notable
anomaly is the Monday Effect suggesting that equity
returns are negative or significantly lower on
Mondays relative to other days of the week. In
addition, Friday yields are positive in the US and some
other countries around the world. It is important to
know whether there are variations in volatility of stock
returns by the Day-of-the-Week and whether a high
(low) returns is associated with a correspondingly
high (low) volatility for a given day. If investors can
identify a certain pattern in volatility, then it would be
easier to make investment decisions based on both
returns and risk. Hence the present study in an
attempt to investigate the Day-of-the- Week Effect
and Month-of-the-Year Effect in Indian Stock Market
(NSE) by using the major two indices namely, Nifty
and Nifty Junior. The present study investigated the
efficiency of the market. This study of examining
the shape of the returns over a period, gives evidence
on the degree of speculation in the market. The future,
being a price day vehicle, is expected to reflect the
prospective price movements in the underlying asset
market. For this purpose, the future prices are
expected to reflect all current week information and
the information regarding prospective events.
Keywords: N.A.
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