Monday, 22 Jul, 2024




Betterment of business communication with steganography and cryptography

National Journal of System and Information Technology

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: Divyakant T. Meva, Jaypalsinh A. Gohil, Amit K. Patel
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One of the biggest problems that most companies have regarding security technology is that they don’t develop a strategy for implementation. Many companies seem to have the attitude that implementing a single technology, such as firewalls, will make them secure. In reality, just putting a firewall in place is not enough: That firewall has to be designed and configured properly for it to do its job successfully, and it must be used in concert with other security measures. And all these security measures must be properly integrated with the current network. Secure communication is no different from information security: You have to pick the right tools, implement them properly, and train users to use them in their daily work. This paper will look at the kind of assessment involved in developing a secure communications strategy that might include stego and crypto. Keywords: Steganography, Cryptography, Communication, public key steganography, private key steganography, Steganalysis

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