Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




Cognitive Ontology Enrichment For Semantic Information Retrieval

National Journal of System and Information Technology

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: G. Nagarajan, K.K.Thyagharajan | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Information is Knowledge: Knowledge is Wealth. The combinations of concept with its associative relation, in a quantitative sense is said to be valid information. Relevant information retrieval through cognitive process is our main objective of this paper. The specification of Concept with its relation in an organized way is said to be ontology. Here we use Cognition based ontology for information retrieval which can be implemented in a semantic based information retrieval system. The main contribution of this paper has been organized in three phase. One is the creation of domain ontology where, here we are using event based sports ontology. The second phase is the conversion of HTML pages through a designed Web Crawler to an entity based XML page and the third phase is the mapping of the entity XML to sports domain ontology. This domain ontology can be used for the refined Semantic information retrieval system.

Keywords: Ontology, NLP, Syntactic Analysis, Semantic Analysis, OWL, Machine Learning

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