Saturday, 21 Sep, 2024




Dynamic web page with conversion process for converting database fields from one Indian language to other Indian language

National Journal of System and Information Technology

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: Dr. Dhiren Patel
Locked Subscribed Available for All


E-government contains huge data volume, if we store all Indian languages records then again volume increase. After coming Unicode Indian languages conversion is possible. Also .NET and JAVA technology internationalization is power-full future for working in multilingual environment. Depending on client’s request use of language conversion is possible at client side by executing script code. System take care that culture of current environment language and data record’s language are different than only perform mathematical conversion. On second phase verify that converted Unicode value has assigned any character or not. Keywords: E-government, conversion process, Unicode, ASP.NET, C#.NET, Culture

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