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Sla Based Rescheduling of Task for Optimum Allocation of Resources in Cloud Computing Environment

National Journal of System and Information Technology

Volume 12 Issue 1

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Nikky Ahuja, Priyesh Kanungo, Sumant Katiyal | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar in School of Computer Science and IT, Devi Ahilya University, India.
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The dynamic and highly-competitive business environment has made it mandatory for the resource providers to fulfill the business resource demand within stipulated time and cost. Because non-meeting of deadline may not only result in the loss of money but can also hamper the goodwill of the company. But, meeting these performance requirements within specified budget and deadline is a challenge for the cloud providers. This calls for an urgent need for reducing the number of request rejections due to missing deadlines and SLA violation. Present paper is an effort in the direction of reducing the number of request rejection due to missing deadlines, and rescheduling of tasks to ensure maximum task efficiency and optimum utilization of allocated resources. In this paper, we have presented algorithm for reducing penalty cost incurred by delay in task accomplishment, rescheduling of task and strategies focusing on optimum allocation of cloud resources to guarantee the quality constraints defined in SLA.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Service Level Agreement (SLA), Quality of Service (QoS), Admission control, Strategies, Penalty Delay and Rescheduling.

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