Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Human Resource Development Practices and Employee Performance: 48-55 Study of Indian Automobile Industry

Optimization: Journal of Research in Management

Volume 11 Issue 1

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Ashwini Mehta & Yogesh Mehta | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, MGGCPS, Indore, Madhya Pradesh
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Human resource plays a vital role in highly skilled and knowledge intensive industries like automobile industry. The growth and development of an organization greatly depends upon its human resource than the other resources and to achieve success it is necessary that right person must be placed at right job and his potential must be enhanced through multiple and continuous training since development and delivery of quality products and services depend upon quality of human resource. Talented and learned human resource is the need of highly competitive, dynamic and technical industries, needed continuous and multiple-skill training. Thus, to attain such human resource, industries should emphasize on developing and nurturing a strategy based human resource development practices. Results of this study could provide human resource professionals with useful and valuable information to formulate strategies to decide what human resource practices should be effectively implemented in their organizations that maximizes employee’s performance. This study investigated the impact of HRD Practices namely compensation, performance appraisal, training and development, job definition, career planning, employee participation, selection on employee performance of selected Indian automobile industries.

Keywords: HRD Practices, Employee Performance, Compensation, Performance Appraisal, Training and Development, Employee Participation.

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