Sunday, 22 Dec, 2024




A Study on Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Stress and Self-Efficacy of Anganwadi Workers

OPUS: HR Journal

Volume 13 Issue 2

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Aliviya Ghosh, Palas R. Sengupta | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Commerce, University of North Bengal, West Bengal, India.
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The study was conducted to determine how several factors affect the organizational commitment of the Anganwadi workers. To test the hypothesis, multiple regression analysis was run using SPSS. The hypothesis tests if stress, job satisfaction and self-efficacy has a significant impact on the organizational commitment. The dependent variable Organizational Commitment (OC) was regressed on Stress Level (SL), Job Satisfaction (JS) and Self Efficacy (SE). SL significantly predicted OC, F (3,134) = 30.561, p<.001, which indicates that the SL can play a significant role in the levels of OC (b=0.323, p<.001). These results clearly show a direct the positive affect of the SL on OC. JS and SE has a positive impact on the OC (b=0.161, p<0.001) and (b=0.358, p<0.001). Moreover, the R2=0.406 depicts that the model explains 40.6% of the variance in OC can be accounted to the three predictors. The study enables the decision makers to have an insight into the factors affecting the organizational commitment of the Anganwadi workers.

Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Stress Level, Self- Efficacy

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