Sunday, 16 Feb, 2025




Organizational Culture as a Predictor of Job Satisfaction in Universities: An Empirical Attestation

OPUS: HR Journal

Volume 14 Issue 1

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Manju Nair, Gincy Varghese | Author(s) Affiliation: International School of Informatics & Management, Rajasthan, India.
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Does the organizational culture of a University impact job satisfaction of academicians? Can we strike an association in order to leverage on the job satisfaction and in turn the performance of academicians in Universities? The study attempts to predict job satisfaction of faculty in universities through dimensions of organizational culture. The study is based on primary data collected from 370 academicians across three private and one state university in Rajasthan, India. Statistical techniques including correlation and Independent t tests have been employed to determine the significance and strength of relationship between organizational culture and its dimensions (Hierarchy, Adhocracy, Clan and Market culture) and Job Satisfaction. Correlation analysis revealed that there exists a significant positive association between organizational culture and job satisfaction. An independent t test was undertaken and it was found that the academicians in the private universities reflect a higher level of job satisfaction as compared to the faculty in the state universities. Further analysis showed that in spite of the difference in the culture, hierarchy culture was dominant in both state and private universities. The study also revealed that adhocracy culture made the most significant contribution to job satisfaction of faculty in universities. Findings along with limitations and suggestions for future research form a part of the paper.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, University, Faculty

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