Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Predictive Analysis of Music Preferences of Indian customers based on their Personality: A Mixed Method Approach

OPUS: HR Journal

Volume 8 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Sakshi Saxena, Namit Mehta, Komal Malik, Nidhi Nagar | Author(s) Affiliation:
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The current paper examines the music preferences of Indian customers across the Bollywood music industry based on their personality. The sample size of the study was 258 music listeners within the age group of 20-28. The data was collected using a face to face survey that explored the demographics, personality traits and music preferences of the respondents. The personality traits used in the study were mapped with the Big Five (OCEAN) personality traits and the music preferences were captured on a 5 pointer likert scale for different kinds of music clips (classified using MUSIC model). The sample was divided into two sub samples train and tested randomly using Exploratory Factor Analysis on the train sample, as a result of which 5 factor model was validated in the present context. The preference for the different genres from the MUSIC model was analyzed with respect to the Big Five (OCEAN) personality traits using ANOVA technique. The study is significant for the practitioners of the Bollywood music industry as it exhibits the relationship between the personality traits and the music preferences of the Indian customers. The composers can use the knowledge in designing the appropriate music type for their targeted audiences and vice versa.

Keywords: Bollywood, Music, Personality, Customer

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