Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




A Research Study of Businesses that are Thriving in the Virtual World of Metaverse

PRIMA: Practices and Research in Marketing

Volume 10 Issue 2

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Jiya Khandelwal | Author(s) Affiliation: SVKMs NMIMS School of Law, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
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In retrospect, very few people actually understood what Metaverse meant or how it would operate. Metaverse was seen as a new word, but it’s not. Metaverse is not a standalone product. The metaverse will exist whether or not Facebook exists, and will not vanish overnight. Many of these things won’t be available for 15-20 years. This condition increases the likelihood that issues will be analysed from multiple angles in the literature during this development phase. This highlights the relevance of Metaverse and the literature on this topic. It’s expected that comparing data from multiple databases with the data acquired and presenting a texture analysis on the metaverse regularly would help scholars assess the overall growth of the field. Even today, the concept of Metaverse is not accurately understood by many. The Metaverse is a mixture of virtual reality and mixed reality environments that may be accessed via a website or headset. This study focuses on perusing some of the trends related to metaverse globally and understand it various dynamics through several statistical data. Different literatures are reviewed for this purpose relevant to the theme. Towards the end, it is deduced that two fifth respondents of the study believe that all sorts of businesses need to be in metaverse, yet only about one fifth say it should be IT-only. Men make up a tenth of the metaverse’s target market, while women make up lesser than that, according to the survey.

Keywords: Metaverse, Business, Meta, Companies, Virtual

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