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Analyzing the Influence of Ethical Marketing Practices on Consumer Purchase Behaviour: A Study on Consumer Durables in India

PRIMA: Practices and Research in Marketing

Volume 9 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Shaunak Roy, Shivaji Banerjee | Author(s) Affiliation: Assis. Prof., Faculty of Mgt., Dept. of Commer. and Busi. Administ., St. Xaviers Collg., West Bengal
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Major brands and organizations across the globe are resorting to the use of societal and ethical marketing practices, to differentiate themselves from their rivals. The challenges involved in demonstrating their contributions to society are multitudinous, given that consumers consciously seek to evaluate this contribution. Advertisements are deemed as misleading or deceptive when the audience exposed to it hold false beliefs and ideas consequently. Unfair pricing mechanisms adopted by companies are also fervent issues in micro-consumerism, which is highly sensitive to consumers. Environmental consumerism is another growing trend in assessing the pro-ethical and pro-environmental purchase considerations of consumers. The current study seeks to establish the impact of Trustworthy Advertising Campaigns (TAC), Genuine Packaging and Labelling (GPL), Ecological Conscientiousness (ECN) and Enterprising Customer Care (ECC) on the purchase behaviour of consumers with reference to washing machines and televisions. To this end, a sample of 307 respondents dwelling across India has been considered. The study indicates that Trustworthy Advertising Campaigns (TAC) have a significant impact on the purchase behaviour of consumers for both washing machines and televisions. Genuine Packaging and Labelling (GPL) has a significant impact on the Purchase Behaviour of Consumers (CPB) in case of televisions but an insignificant impact on washing machine purchases. The claim that Ecological Conscientiousness (ECN) has a significant impact on the consumer purchase behaviour is only supported for washing machines but unsupported for televisions. Enterprising Customer Care (ECC) has a significant impact on the purchase behaviour of consumers for both washing machines and televisions. It has been observed that the ethical practices of organizations have a direct relationship with the evaluations and appraisals made by their consumers, which is ultimately mirrored in their modelled purchase behaviour. It is therefore imperative for companies to spend more time on ethico-moral marketing practices and create a futuristic orientation for a better marketplace.

Keywords: Trustworthy Advertising Campaigns, Genuine Packaging and Labelling, Ecological Conscientiousness, Enterprising Customer Care, Consumer Purchase Behaviour

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