Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Importance of Front Labels in Influencing Buyer Decision Making in Purchasing Juices and Other Drinks during COVID-19

PRIMA: Practices and Research in Marketing

Volume 10 Issue 1

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Yatharth Yadav, Vaishali Mahajan | Author(s) Affiliation: Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
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The juice industry in India is dominated by a few brands. Routinely majority of consumers go for juices for taste or even as healthier alternatives to aerated drinks. Labels play an important role in marketing of the products. Businesses have adapted by changing their marketing mix. Labelling is one of the ways by which they have tried to nudge customers into purchases ‘99.99% germs killed’, ‘zero fat’, ‘100% safe’ are some of the frequently occurring labels on products. It becomes important to understand whether this focus on health translates to buying more products with the ‘right labels.’ Through primary research I would seek to find out if people have become more inclined to buy products with health and nutritional labels in this pandemic. My motivation for this research is to understand the ever-changing consumer psyche in urban-sub urban Indian markets. FOP labels have demonstrated their role in affecting buyer behaviour through previous studies. However not many studies have been done with respect to juices. Thus an empirical survey was floated with questions on four major themes: Buyer behaviour, fear of pandemic, health aspirations and labels effect. Factor analysis was done to identify which factors were of significance. Regression analysis was also performed to judge impact of variables. Additionally, retailer interviews were conducted to understand sellers’ perspective of how juices were bought by customers.

Keywords: Product Labels, Labelling, COVID-19, Marketing, Packaging

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