Migration of Sylhetis to the United Kingdom: An Exploration
Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Tulshi Kumar Das |
Author(s) Affiliation: Professor in Dept. of Social Work at Shahjalal University of Science & Tech., Sylhet, Bangladesh
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Migration of Sylhetis to the UK is an age-old tradition. There are different
reasons identified by many researchers for this trend of migration. The
present study deals with a number of issues like demographic profile
of migrants, historical background of migration, language and identity
of Sylheti migrants, their socioeconomic problems and the situation of
entrepreneurship and remittance in Sylhet region. The article is based on
data collected from secondary sources. It shows that there is a gradual
increase of Sylheti migrants in the UK, especially in London, from
nineteenth century to date. Travel between Sylhet and Britain is found
out in nineteenth century itself when both the places were connected to
each other through imperial trading routes from Kolkata. Now more than
2.1% of total population living in London are Bengali migrants. Sylheti
migrants seem to be sensitive for mostly twin identity, British Bengali and
Bengali as well. They also value their Sylheti identity to some extent. The
migrants face many socioeconomic problems like unemployment, ill health,
lack of education etc. Majority of the migrants are employed in hotels,
restaurants, catering services and textile industries. Self employment is
common among the migrants; and Bengali women’s participation in the
labor market is frustrating. The study also reveals that 65% of Bengali
migrants in the UK live below poverty line. Enterprise development on the
basis of remittances did not take place in Sylhet region; and remittances
are mostly used in unproductive sectors.
Keywords: N.A.
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