Trapped: Stories from Puppets of Patriarchy (Documentary) Produced and Directed by Nairruti Jani, Florida Gulf Coast University, 2012, 34 minutes (Color)
Published: 2013
Author(s) Name: Brij Mohan |
Author(s) Affiliation: Dean Emeritus in School of Social Work at Louisiana State University, USA
Available for All
Books, monographs, journals and posters have been usual channels of
academic displays and expressions of inquiry and research. Professor
Nairruti Jani has taken a more powerful didactic tool. She unfolds a problem
and its complex dimensions through the lens of her camera and power of
her imagination with uncanny abilities; she vividly unfolds a darker side of
hideous human conditions. In the background of a disingenuous ‘publish
or perish’ academic culture, it’s heartening to review an original work of
a solo and serious intellectual with impeccable effect on the students and
policy makers.............
Keywords: N.A.
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