Study of Expectancy Motivation in IT Developers
Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Rahil Meymandpour, Prafulla Pawar |
Author(s) Affiliation: Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Mgt. Sciences, Savitribai Phule Pune Univ., Pune, Maharashtra, India.
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The aim of the present work is to study the subscales of motivation namely expectancy, performance and rewards on the base of
Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation. This study assumes there is a causal relationship between expectancy, performance,
and rewards as the subscales of motivation. Then, the expectancy motivation questionnaire is formed and distributed among
90 IT developers in 90 IT companies in Pune-India. The findings show there is a collinearity of the subscales of motivation
(expectancy, performance, and rewards). Further, respondents mostly value training program among the reward categories
assigned to IT developers (i.e. monetary, training and family facilities and emotional encouragement). It assumes that due to
constant technological changes needing updated knowledge and skills, they prefer to improve their job abilities through training
programs to increase their human capital to be upgraded for further job opportunities. Thus, their expectancy toward their abilities
of fulfilling tasks would increase leading to the repeat of the motivation cycle. Shortly, the results illustrate a misfit model due to
the collinearity of the subscales in this study. However, expectancy shows a positive effect on rewards, performance shows an
inverse effect on rewards. On the other hand, the findings show IT developers prefer training program rather than other reward
categories to increase their expectation toward job performance to accomplish the tasks satisfactorily. Then according to welldone
performance, IT developers would value the rewards assigned to them.
Keywords: Vroom’s Theory, Expectancy, Performance, Rewards
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