Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Bird Deflection System

Technology Spectrum Review

Volume 3 Issue 1&2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Sushmita Nath, Debajani Behura, Kshirod Kumar Palai, Swagat Dash and S K Samal | Author(s) Affiliation: Bhubaneswar Engineering College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
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Winged animals cause a considerable measure of inconvenience in airplane terminals particularly amid take off and arriving of aircrafts. Rate of the fledging hitting the airship is called winged creature strike. A little feathered creature, if gets struck inside the engine can cause genuine outcomes like losing the whole aircraft, travelers and its team. It can once in a while harm the flying machine to significant degree. Thus, it is critical to distinguish any nearness of flying creature inside the range indicated. On the off chance that winged creatures are identified, they must be diverted so they would not come into the way of the flying machine. One can utilize water stream as a redirector framework since it is an innocuous approach to divert the wing creatures.

Keywords: Birds, Deflection.

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