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Facets of Effective Software Development to Attain High Quality Software: A Case Study

Technology Spectrum Review

Volume 1 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Suma V., Jawahar J. Rao | Author(s) Affiliation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (DSCE), Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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Industrial revolution has paved the path towards several other innovations in Science and Technology. One such revolution is seen in software industry. As such, software has its importance in every application, which has a value to human society. Therefore, it is critical for software industry to develop high quality software. This is because preservation of any software industry in industrial market is possible only if total customer satisfaction is achieved. Every customer will rate the end product to be of their satisfaction level only if it is of high quality. Hence, this paper put forth all those aspects of software development which has a modulating impact on retention of high quality in software products. This paper further presents a case study which comprises of deep investigation carried out on several leading software industries and across projects of various software application domains. The main intention of this research is to analyze all parameters which influence quality of the product, the process and the people components of an industry. This paper therefore presents a sample of such investigation carried out on empirical projects and their inferences drawn. Areas which need high attention such as effective management of scope creep, defect, testing, risk management, allocation of right project personnel is brought out. This part of the research also acts as a travel light for various researches to progress in above mentioned areas.

Keywords: Software Engineering, Software Quality, Metrics, Scope Creep, Defect Management, Risk Management, Data Mining, Project Management

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