Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Sizing of Wing and Wing Section for a Subsonic Jet Trainer Aircraft

Technology Spectrum Review

Volume 3 Issue 1&2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: S K Samal | Author(s) Affiliation: Bhubaneswar Engineering College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
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This paper provides the procedure to calculate the sizing of wing, flap and airfoil selection. In this a subsonic jet trainer was taken for case study, for which above sizing were done. Initially symmetric and cambered airfoil were selected to find out suitable airfoil for this type of aircraft. Lift and drag coefficient were estimated for better performance to select the wing section. NACA three different series (Five digit, 1-series and 6-series) are taken for the calculation part. All the calculation were done for the velocity of 277.78 m/s (Reynold No of 8.45 x 106).

Keywords: Airfoil, NACA, Wing.

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