Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Voltage Stability Analysis of Electrical power transmission systems using Fuzzy set Theory

Technology Spectrum Review

Volume 1 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Pabitra Mohan Dash | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of Electrical engineering, BEC, Bhubaneswar
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It is important to prevent voltage instability and hence the voltage collapse due to increasing demand of electricity so that utilities can maintain higher system stability. For this purpose it is essential to understand various aspects of economic and stable operation in the electric power transmission system. Most of the efforts and contributions in this field given by several researchers are based on crisp modeling which stands far from reality as it does not accommodate the uncertainties present in the input parameters. In this work, a platform for the study of voltage stability problem associated with the power system using fuzzy set approach is provided to make the findings more realistic.

Keywords: N.A.

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