Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Exploring Womens Pursuit and Performance in Social Ventures: A Study on Determinants and Implications

XIBA Business Review

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: J. Sahaya Mary | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Commerce, St. Xavier College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India.
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This study delves into the dynamics of how women engage with and excel in the realm of social entrepreneurship. Despite growing recognition of the vital role women play in driving social change, there remains a gap in understanding the specific factors influencing their involvement and success in social ventures. Through a qualitative research approach involving interviews and case studies, this study seeks to elucidate the motivations, challenges, and strategies employed by women in pursuing and performing in social entrepreneurship. The findings reveal a complex interplay of personal, societal, and structural factors shaping women’s engagement with social ventures. Motivations often stem from a deep-seated desire to address social inequalities, foster community development, and create positive impact. However, women face multifaceted challenges, including limited access to financial resources, gender biases, and balancing caregiving responsibilities with entrepreneurial pursuits. Despite these obstacles, women employ innovative approaches, collaborative networks, and resilience to overcome barriers and drive meaningful change. Moreover, the study uncovers the significance of supportive ecosystems and enabling environments in facilitating women’s success in social entrepreneurship. Access to mentorship, training programs, and peer support networks emerge as critical enablers for women entrepreneurs, enhancing their skills, confidence, and capacity to scale their ventures. The implications of the study extend beyond individual success stories, highlighting the transformative potential of women-led social ventures in addressing pressing social challenges and fostering inclusive economic growth. By understanding the determinants of women’s engagement and performance in social entrepreneurship, policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders can design targeted interventions and support mechanisms to harness the full potential of women as agents of social change. Ultimately, this study contributes to advancing knowledge and discourse on gender-inclusive entrepreneurship and underscores the importance of creating equitable and supportive environments where women can thrive as social entrepreneurs, driving sustainable development and positive societal impact.

Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Social Ventures, Performance Determinants, Sustainable Development, Gender Equity, Leadership in Social Ventures

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