Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Role of Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Climate of Logistics Sector

XIBA Business Review

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: M. Fatima Lucia Sheeba, T. Rita Rebekah | Author(s) Affiliation: Xavier Inst. of Business Administration, St. Xaviers College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu
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The logistics sector, characterised by high pressure and challenging operational demands, increasingly emphasise the significance of emotional intelligence in shaping the organizational climate. The study aims to explore role of EI on various factors affecting Organizational Climate (OC). It also delves to analyse the effect of managers’ EI level in OC. This theoretical review paper identifies the role of EI on OC in a particular focus on its implications with logistics sector. Various dimensions of OC, such as (1) Structure, (2) Responsibility, (3) Reward, (4) Risk, (5) Warmth, (6) Support, (7) Standard, (8) Conflict & (9) Identity were analysed in context with managers Emotional Intelligence. After reviewing a number of literatures and articles, it is observed that there is positive relationship between EI and OC. Manager’s EI level plays a significant role in shaping Organizational Climate. Factors such as empathy, understanding others emotions, identifying their capabilities, clear communication and support during challenging situations helps employees to improve their overall performance and have a healthy and harmonious organisation climate. Adding to it, the review suggests to provide training and development program on EI within logistics companies to overcome the stress and burnout due to its highly demanding nature.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Organisational Climate, Logistics Management, Managers EI, Perception of Employees

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