Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




The Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Undergraduate Students Attitudes toward Online Learning in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu

XIBA Business Review

Volume 4 Issue 2

Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: Amali Arockia Slevi J., Stella P. | Author(s) Affiliation: St. Xaviers College (Autonomous), Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
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Purpose: The COVID-19 outbreak has had a significant impact on the educational system around the world. It forced the shutdown of educational institutions. COVID-19 mandated containment and enforced seclusion, which significantly impacted teacher-student interactions. In the absence of traditional classroom teaching and one-on-one connection, computer-based learning has evolved as a connecting substitute for offline instruction. It is essential to look at how students feel about online learning and whether they are ready for it. Design/methodology/approach: This study took a quantitative approach with a survey via the internet.260 students answered the questionnaire. Findings: According to respondents (24%), access to internet resources (65%), Stay-at-home flexibility (63%), you can learn at your own speed (53%), comfortable surroundings (41%), class interactivity (31%), and the ability to record a meeting were the top benefits of online learning, according to respondents (24%). The lack of practical knowledge was cited by the majority of responders (66%), followed by technical problems (65%), reduced interaction with the teacher (62%), poor learning conditions at home (42%), and lack of self-discipline (33%) as the main disadvantages. When it comes to opinions on the potential of the learning approach to develop knowledge, Face-to-face and online learning had no statistically significant differences. However, online learning was less successful than face-to-face learning in terms of enhancing abilities and social competence. In comparison to regular classes, students thought that online classes were inert. E-learning was deemed uninteresting by 41% of those polled. E-learning is an effective method of instructing students. Integrating online learning into the curriculum, on the other hand, necessitates a well-thought-out strategy and a more proactive approach.

Keywords: E-Learning, COVID-19, Undergraduate, Students Perception

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