Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




The Impact of Work-Life Balance on Employee Job Satisfaction

XIBA Business Review

Volume 2 Issue 2

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: R. Sangeetha, N. Pradeep Kumar | Author(s) Affiliation: Asst Prof,Xavier Inst. of Buss. Admin, St. Xaviers College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Work-life conflict is a serious problem that impacts workers, their employers and communities. Life will often deliver the value and balance we desire when we are achieving and enjoying something every day in all the important areas of our lives. Therefore, a good working definition of work/life balance is meaningful to daily achievement and enjoyment in each of our important life quadrants. Job satisfaction is the level of contentment a person feels regarding his or her job. This feeling is mainly based on an individuals perception of satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the term that explains how individuals feel towards their job. Employees get high job satisfaction when they get what they expect from a job. Employers provide various benefits to make their employees happy and satisfied with the job. They provide various Work-Life Balance (WLB) facilities too to enable them to balance their work and personal life. This study seeks to bring out the various factors of work-life balance affecting employee job satisfaction in Sterlite Copper Inc. There are a wide variety of practices currently being used to help employees achieve work-life balance. It is important to note that some work-life balance programs help employees handle stress and otherwise cope more effectively while other programs help to reduce the absolute stress levels by re-balancing work life. Therefore, this study will therefore help enlighten management of various organizations of the various effects of work-life balance on employee job satisfaction on the performance of employees in an organization.

Keywords: Work, Employee, Work Stress, Work-Life-Balance, Job Satisfaction, Achievement, Responsibilities

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