Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




HKBK International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Articles submitted to HKBK International Journal Of Engineering, Sciences And Technology [HIJEST] should confirm guidelines given below.

Articles should have following divisions/sections:

1. Title

2. Abstract

3. Keywords

4. Introduction

5. Concept headings

6. Conclusion

7. References

Manuscript / Communication style

Author(s) must submit a manuscript of the original work (not published / submitted for publication elsewhere), submitted with self-declaration form (All authors names are to be included in the form, preferably along with their signatures) through online submission system or through Email The manuscript should not exceed 8 single- spaced pages (two columns) and IEEE format should be used for the article.

The title should contain the article title, author(s) name(s) , affiliation(s) and E-mail ID(s).

The abstract should not exceed 300 words.

The figures and tables should appear along with the text and duly be numbered and referred.

References (referred in text) should appear in a separate section at the end of the manuscript with numerals in square brackets.

Authors are requested to send their articles in MS Word (.doc) format. In case of any difficulty with the manuscript submission process or concern regarding the suitability of your files, please contact us at

The received manuscripts will be reviewed by a panel of experts and the comments will be intimated to the author(s). The manuscripts will be published only after the corrections are incorporated.

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