Wednesday, 03 Jul, 2024




National Journal of System and Information Technology

Guidelines for Author

1. All submissions for publication should be sent in MS Word as an e-mail attachment along with a printed on given correspondence address.

2. Papers should be in English, double spaced and single sided on 8.5" x 11" or A4 paper with generous margins (at least 1" / 2.5cm).

3. Every manuscript submitted should be clearly labeled as being either:
* A research article
* A review
* A book review
* A case study

4. The Title page must contain the title of the paper and the full names of all authors, corresponding author’s name, full postal address, telephone, fax, email and acknowledgements of research support along with grant amount (if applicable).

5. The abstract include, on a separate page, no more than 250 words that adequately describe the work and highlight its significance. The abstract should include only text. Avoid the use of abbreviations and references.

6. Main headings should be typed in capitals, subheadings in lower case. Both types of heading should be underlined. Footnotes should be avoided.

7. Display Formulae, mathematical equations, Figures and expressions should be numbered serially. Equations should be typewritten and with the number placed in parentheses at the right margin. Reference to the equation should use the form 'Eq. (3)' or '(3)'.

8. Images should be of high resolution and only black and white. Line drawings should be high-quality laser output (not photocopies).

9. Supply computer program material as originals on separate pages. It will, wherever possible, be reproduced photographically to avoid errors. Palgrave house style is to set programs and program words in running text, 10 pt Courier New.

10. References should be numbered in brackets ( ) in order of appearance in the text. Avoid exhaustive lists of references. Indicate references in the text by the author's surname and date of publication in brackets and list the full reference in alphabetical order of author surname at the end of the paper. Double space references on a separate page. Cite all authors and write journal titles out in full. Online citations must include date of access.

11. Style and punctuation must be in accordance with the following examples:

* Example of a journal article

(1) Keen, P. (1980). Decision Support Systems: Translating analytic techniques into useful tools, Sloan Management Review, Vol. 21(3), pp. 33-44.

* Example of a chapter in an edited book

(13) Marti, J. and Zeilinger, A. (1985) New Technology in Banking and Shopping, In The Information Technology Revolution ( Ed. Forester T. H), Oxford Basil Blackwell, pp.350-358.

* Example of book

(16) Zuboff, S. (1988) In the Age of the Smart Machine, London, Heinemann, pp. 1-455.

* Example of conference proceedings

(19) Shneiderman, B. (1996) The Eyes Have It: A task by data type taxonomy of information visualizations, In IEEE Symposium/Conference on Visual Languages (Las Alamos, USA, 1996), IEEE Computer Society Press, Chicago, pp. 336-343.

* Example of website/Online Documentation

(9) Kruskal, JB, Young, FW, Seery, JB. How to use KYST, A very flexible program to do multidimensional scaling and unfolding [WWW document] (accessed 13th January 2002).

(10) Lenine, R.D. (1995). Home Page for Robin Lenine. Retrieved 27-10-2009 from Information Security, Information website: http://informationsecurity.infor/index.html

Electronic submission
Prepare initial submissions in accordance with the instructions above and send them as attachments to e-mail to the Editors.
A hard copy of the submission should also be posted to the Editor. This will be used as a reference copy if any electronic files are corrupted in transmission. If the e-mail is mis-delivered, the hard copy will alert the Editorial Office to the submission.

Accepted manuscripts
The electronic copy of the final, accepted manuscript should be emailed to the Editors together with the hard copy. The electronic copy must meet the following criteria:
1. The electronic manuscript is the final accepted version.
2. An identical double-spaced hard copy is sent to the Editors at the same time.
3. The paper should be prepared in Microsoft Word.
4. The files are clearly labelled with the journal title, author's names, paper title, contents and the application used.
5. Journal style is followed for references, capitalization etc.

To enable the Publisher to protect the copyright of the journal, authors must assign copyright in their manuscripts to the Publisher. All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by a statement signed by all authors that the article is original, is not under consideration by another journal, has not previously been published elsewhere and its content has not been anticipated by any previous publication.

Authors will be entitled to publish any part of their paper elsewhere, provided the usual acknowledgements are given.

Correspondence Address
All correspondence should be addressed to
Chief Editor
National Journal of System and Information Technology
Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application
Gopal Vidyanagar, Bardoli - Mahuva Road, Dist. Surat, Gujarat, INDIA. PIN - 394 350
E-mail Id:
Tel: 02625-255389
Fax: 02625-255882

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