Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Journal of West Asian Studies

  1. Journal of West Asian Studies entertains contribution from all scholars of arts, social sciences and humanities whose approach and methodology are objective, analytical and critical. It also encourages the publication of different points of view without subscribing to any particular ideology or worldview.
  2. Journal of West Asian Studies considers manuscripts of 6000-8000 words (In both MLA and APA style format) on topics related to contemporary West Asia. It also entertains articles on medieval West Asia or events and issues of the past provided they help in understanding of present West Asian realities.
  3. Research Papers /Articles should be based on original research and analysis. Manuscripts should not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication. Already published material will not be entertained. All articles will be subjected to editorial scrutiny and the opinion of the referees. No substantive change however, will be made without consulting the concerned author.
  4. All responsibilities for opinion expressed or accuracy of facts presented in articles will exclusively be owned by individual authors and not by Journal of West Asian Studies.
  5. Tables, figures, graphs and references should be clearly typed. Minimum number of tables etc. will be appreciated. Foot-notes and references should not be listed at the end of the paper/ article.
  6. All quotation should be in single inverted commas, quotation within quotation should be in double inverted commas.

All correspondence & article submission should be addressed to:-

Journal of West Asian Studies,
Centre of West Asian Studies,
Aligarh Muslim University
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