Monday, 31 Mar, 2025




International Journal on Customer Relations

Peer Review and Publication Policy
All received manuscipts are initially scrutinized for suitability within the journal. If found suitable, article is further sent to a reviewer for double blind review process. Identity of author/s is not disclosed to the reviewer and vice-versa. On receipt of feedback from reviewer, editor analysis the feedback and further decides to accept, reject or revise the paper. Normally double blind peer review process takes around 3-4 months to provide feedback to authors. If paper is accepted, we will send pre-print version to authors for corrections(if any). The Journal reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit journal’s format. Single complimentary copy will be provided and posted to Indian Authors. Please be noted, that Publishing India Group do not charge authors for submission/acceptance/any other purpose. Papers are accepted, purely on the basis of merit. Journal reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit Journal’s format.

Journal invites manuscript based on following guidelines:-

  1. Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be submitted online.
  2. While submitting papers, authors are requested not to mention their name or affiliation within full text file. At step 3 of submission, authors will be asked to mention details of author and Co-author
  3. Each article [1500-3500 words]/research paper [4000-7000 words]/book reviews [1000-1200 words] should be submitted with an abstract of about 150 - 250 wordsand 3 – 5 key words preferably in double spaced MS Word document.
  4. Citations should be embedded in the text using the author-year method, e.g. (Goel, 2004)
  5. All cited works reflected in the text of the paper should be included and arranged alphabetically at the end of the paper in references.
  6. Tables and figures to be indicated by numbers seperately (see Table 1) not by placement (see Table below)
  7. Works by the same authors in the same year should be cited as “(Goel, 2004a)” and “(Goel, 2004b)”.
  8. While submitting a book review, the reviewer must mention the name of the concerned book, name of the author/editor, place of publication and publisher, year of publication, number of pages, ISBN and the price of the concerned book.

Authors are expected to follow the referencing style as given below:


Mack, C. (2005). Looking at the Renaissance: Essays toward a conceptual appreciation. London: Taylor & Francis.

Article in an Edited Book

Blaxter, M. (1976). Social class and health inequalities. In C.Carter & J. Peel (Eds.), Equalities and inequalities in health(pp. 120-135). London: Academic Press.


Conference Proceedings

Chopra, L. D., Sinha, B., & Mehta, P. (1997, January 16).State of Human Development in India. Paper presented at the 1997 Symposium on Sustainable Development in India, New Delhi, India.


Reference taken from Website

Census of India. (2001). India at a glance – Statistics on Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics. Retrieved from (accessed December 10, 2009).


Journal Article

Labonte, R., & Schrecker, T. (2007). Globalisation and social determinants of health. Globalisation and Health. 3(7), 190-220.


Newspaper Article with author

Tripathi, K. (2000, January 18). Hunger Still Exists in Rural India. The Times of India, p. 3.


Newspaper Article without author

The Unheard Voices of Indian Women. (2005, April 29). The Hindu, p. 35.



United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2010). Human Development Report 2010. New York, USA: UNDP.


Working Paper

Alkire, S., and Santos, M. E. (2010). ‘Acute Multidimensional Poverty: A new index for developing countries’, OPHI Working Paper 38. London, UK: University of Oxford.

Online Submission Process
Journal follows online submission for referred and peer review process. Authors are required to register themselves at prior to submitting the manuscript. This will help authors in keeping track of their submitted research work.

Steps for submission:

  1. Log on to mentioned url:-
  2. Register yourself with the Journal.
  3. Do remember to select yourself as “Author” at the bottom of registration page before submitting.
  4. Once registered, log on with your selected Username and Password.
  5. Click “submit article” follow the instructions mentioned for “5 step submission process”.


In case of any query / clarification, please contact: Editor-IJCR at Email-id:

Copyright Policy
Submitted manuscripts must be original work of the author that is not under submission at another journal or under consideration for publication in any other form. If author’s piece of work infringes any existing copyright, publisher will have to be indemnified for any such breach by author.

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