Monday, 31 Mar, 2025




International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems

Journal invites manuscript based on following guidelines:-

  1. Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be submitted online at
  2. While submitting papers, authors are requested not to mention their name or affiliation within full text file. At step 3 of online submission, authors will be asked to mention details of author and Co-author
  3. Each article [2500-4000 words]/research paper [4000-7000 words]/book reviews [1000-1200 words] should be submitted with an abstract of about 150 - 250 wordsand 3 – 5 key words preferably in double spaced MS Word document.
  4. Author may use IEEE referencing format for submitting paper.

Online Submission Process
Journal follows online submission for referred and peer review process. Authors are required to register themselves at prior to submitting the manuscript. This will help authors in keeping track of their submitted research work.

Steps for submission:

  1. Log on to mentioned url:-
  2. Register yourself with the Journal.
  3. Once registered, log on with your selected Username and Password.
  4. Click “submit article” follow the instructions mentioned for “5 step submission process”.


Review Process
All received manuscripts are initially scrutinized for suitability within the journal. If found suitable, article will further be sent to a reviewer for review process. Identity of author/s is not disclosed to the reviewer. Based on their feedback, Editor decides to accept, reject or revise the paper. In case of any query / clarification, please contact: Editor-IJKBCS at Email-id:

Copyright Policy
Submitted manuscripts must be original work of the author that is not under submission at another journal or under consideration for publication in any other form. If author’s piece of work infringes any existing copyright, publisher will have to be indemnified for any such breach by author.

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