Tuesday, 11 Feb, 2025




Journal of Scientific and Technical Research

Peer Review and Publication Policy
All received manuscipts are initially scrutinized for suitability within the journal. If found suitable, article is further sent to a reviewer for double blind review process. Identity of author/s is not disclosed to the reviewer and vice-versa. On receipt of feedback from reviewer, editor analysis the feedback and further decides to accept, reject or revise the paper. Normally double blind peer review process takes around 3-4 months to provide feedback to authors. If paper is accepted, we will send pre-print version to authors for corrections(if any). The Journal reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit journal’s format. Single complimentary copy will be provided and posted to Indian Authors. Please be noted, that Journal do not charge authors for submission/acceptance/any other purpose. Papers are accepted, purely on the basis of merit. Journal reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit Journal’s format.

Guidelines for Authors

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research (JSTR) is a peer-reviewed scientific biannual research journal addressing both
applied and theoretical issues. The Journal is being published since December 2011.

The scope of the journal encompasses research articles, review articles, and short communications in the field of applied and
theoretical sciences, materials science, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, zoology, botany, biotechnology
medical sciences, environmental sciences, geology and all branches of engineering science and technology. Articles in
interdisciplinary areas with potential technological implications are bly encouraged. Journal of Scientific and Technical
Research particularly aims at publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields on the basis of its originality,
importance, interdisciplinary interest, accessibility and useful conclusions. The accepted papers are published within 12
weeks. There are no processing or publishing charges. Indexing of the journal in different data bases is in process.

Instructions for Authors

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to Journal of Scientific and Technical Research (JSTR). These instructions
will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly.

Please take the time to read them and follow the instructions as closely as possible.

Submission of Manuscript

Journal of Scientific and Technnical Research (JSTR) receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its Manuscript
Central website located at: http://www.submission.publishingindia.com

The journal publishes the following types of manuscripts:
(i) Research papers
(ii) Communications
(iii) Reviews

Manuscript Central allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts as well as facilitating the review process
and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform. For Manuscript Central
technical support, you may contact the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Bhuvnesh Kumar (bhuvnesh.kumar@sharda.ac.in), or the Executive
Editor, Prof. N.B.Singh (n.b.singh@sharda.ac.in) or Editor Dr. Vinay K. Verma (vinaykumar.verma @sharda.ac.in).
Some of the following outlines may be useful for preparing Manuscript and it Organization:


Manuscripts should be formatted for A4 or Letter page size using 1.15 spacing and with a margin of at least 1.8
cm all around.
The first page of the manuscript should include:
(i) The title (bold, 14 font size, centre text, times new roman) of the paper that describes the content succinctly;
(ii) The names of all the authors (normal text, 12 font size, centre text, times new roman) with at least one forename in full
(i.e. Vinay K. Verma) for each; the corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk (*);
(iii) The address of the authors (normal text, 10 font size, centre text, times new roman); if there are multiple addresses, put each one with the author’s name; a valid email address of corresponding author shown as (*) must be included;

Length of Manuscript

The maximum preferred length for original articles is 25 pages (including figures and tables). Communications should not
exceed 1000 words and reviews should not exceed 35 pages. Authors should append the tables, figures, and calculation at
the appropriate places in running text only.


Original articles, communications and reviews must be written in English which will be published in English only. An
abstract must be supplied of not more than 200 words in length, which summarizes the significant findings and coverage
of the paper, and should be understood without reference to the text. Communications should have abstracts limited to 150


Each paper must have three to seven keywords.

Format of Manuscript

The manuscript should be organized in the following order: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Experimental, Results and
Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References, and, where necessary, Supplemental Materials. An experimental
procedure is required for communications. A shortened version of the title to be used as the running head is required (no
more than 50 characters) should be supplied. 12-Point font in Times new roman is expected. Manuscripts not corresponding
to the appropriate format will require author correction.

The experimental section should include a paragraph outlining the instrumental methods, mathematical modeling and computational procedures used (whichever applicable).


Use of standard abbreviations is expected throughout, and are used without periods: examples include mp, °C, K, min, h,
mL, cm, mol, ppm, TLC, J. The use of SI units is preferred.


Every table must be referred to in the text. Tables are to be numbered sequentially. A short, descriptive title should appear
above each table with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included. Tables should
be created in Microsoft Word whenever possible.

Figures and Illustrations

Every figure and scheme must be referred to in the text, sequentially numbered, and include a caption. Digital files are
recommended for illustrations (line drawings, halftones, photographs, photomicrographs, etc.) and should be of at least 300 dpi quality (600 dpi is preferred for schemes and line art); JPEG format; and sized to fit on a journal page. Lettering must
be of sufficient size so that it is legible upon reduction as needed.


References are indicated in the text by consecutive numerals in square bracket i.e. [1]. The full list should be collected and
included at the end of the paper in numerical order under the heading “References.” Listed references are required to be
complete but without the title of article. Author first name should precede their last name (as V. K. Verma); journal title
abbreviations should conform to Chemical Abstracts style. Authors are encouraged to use Microsoft Word for collecting and
numbering references for consistent style and rapid editing. Responsibility for the accuracy of the reference rests with the
authors, and use of a suitable style guide is recommended. Multiple references that are related can be identified with letters
and given under a single citation. Examples of style for the journal are:

1. A. B. Smith, C. D. Jones, J. Appl. Phys. 35, (1965), 296.
2. Brown, R. B. Molecular Spectroscopy, 3rd ed.; Gordon and Breach: New York, 1970; pp. 95-106.

The format should be: Author (if available), title of web page as given on web site, year. Accessed: Date. (Online). Available: address of page. For example, M. winter, Web Elements Periodic Table of the Elements, 2010, Accessed: Jan. 2010. (Online). Available: http://www.webelements.com (accessed January 2010).

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