Tuesday, 04 Mar, 2025




GREEN HOTELS- An Eco-friendly Transmission in Tourism Industry

AVAHAN: A Journal on Hospitality and Tourism

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Rachna Chandan, Sunita Badhwar | Author(s) Affiliation: Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, New Delhi, India
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The word Green Tourism has emerged as a feasible option for conserving natural and cultural heritage and helps to contribute sustainable development realms. Hospitality industry plays a significant role in the sustainable development of a country. As accommodation is the necessary pre-condition for any tourism activity and is the face of further booming expansion, its impact on society is becoming increasingly visible. And this implementation makes the property more marketable and profitable. Moreover todays hotel guests have become more conscious of environmental problems and have started considering the environment in their accommodation choice. The development of eco-labels is thus helping tourists with their choices. Without cutting on clients, efforts can be made in the backstage by the hotel management industry through the application of best available practices and technology innovations. Besides this, it was argued that guests are the most powerful external factor that has the ability to influence and demand practices, since government control and legislation are mostly absent in the industry. Therefore, the research calls for more attention by different organizations as well as guest and work on environment friendly practices to find stronger incentives for going green. This study is conceptual in nature that would provide the impacts of cleaning chemicals and eco-friendly chemicals on human being and environment, different eco- friendly practices followed by hotels and put forth a new proposal which can create a positive impact on the environmental condition.

Keywords: Green Tourism, Eco-friendly Practices, Sustainability

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