Friday, 20 Sep, 2024




Diversity and Inclusion Practices: Insights from Organizations in India

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

Volume 55 Issue 4

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Neharika Vohra, Supriya Sharma and Nisha Nair | Author(s) Affiliation: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
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The paper reports on a study that advances understanding of how organizations in India promote diversity and inclusion. Using a multiple stakeholder approach, content analysis is applied on data from 74 semi-structured interviews with diversity leads, human resource personnel, business heads, and members of minority groups working in 21 organizations across eight industries in India. Organizational mechanisms, processes and practices with regard to diversity and inclusion in the Indian context are highlighted. Considering inclusion as a change process, the enablers and roadblocks to inclusion are also discussed. Providing a contextual visibility to different diversity dimensions, this research on inclusion practices in India aims to further discourse in organizations to help create inclusive cultures.

Keywords: N.A.

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