Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Employee Engagement in Retail Industry: A Conceptual Framework

XIBA Business Review

Volume 3 Issue 1 & 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: C. Maria Rex Sugirtha, I. Casely Sneha | Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof., Xavier Institute of Business Administration, St. Xavier’s College,Tamil Nadu, India.
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In the Millennial era, satisfying the needs of stakeholders is not always easy. As their needs vary, the ways companies respond to each of them also varies. Customers demand for quality products and services from companies that may or may not belong to the country they live. They get satisfaction only when those requirements are properly recognized and fulfilled. The primary goal of any firm is to attract and retain its customers. So that, it may sustain among the market rivalry belonging to the same industry in which the firm operates. The effort towards sustainability starts from within. Making internal customers aligned with the objectives of organization enables it to define its competitive position. Along with this alignment, the organization must also look into the expectations employees have towards their employer. Employees become engaged only when they start believing that their needs count and they are being recognized by their employer. This article confers the need for employee engagement in retail industries since employers of today’s business believe that engaged employees empower the organization and also discusses the items of Gallup Q12 Questionnaire in measuring Employee Engagement.

Keywords: Employee Engagement, Retail Industry and Millennial Generation

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